
Price information

Good to know

We have summarised the most important price information in the Pension Mittagskogel and general information for you.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us!

The following conditions apply: 

  • Up to 31 days BEFORE arrival: free cancellation possible
  • 30-15 days BEFORE arrival: 70 % of the arranged price
  • 14-0 days BEFORE arrival: 100 % of the arranged price

We recommend you taking out travel insurance at the time of booking with the Europäische Reiseversicherung.

  • Prices are in Euros
  • The prices are per apartment/day excl. local tax: € 2 per person/day (from 01.05. to 31.10.) and € 3 per person/day (from 01.11. to 30.04.)
  • Minimum stay: Under 4 days and at the weekend a surcharge of € 10 per person per day is applicable.
  • Arrival: Saturday if possible, rooms can be occupied from approx. 2pm onwards
  • Departure: we request that the room is vacant from 10 am
  • Dogs are welcome. Except in the Natur room. We charge € 10 per dog per day not including food.
  • We do not accept cards!!
  • Fixed bookings must be confirmed in writing or by payment of a deposit
  • In the event of late arrival or early departure, we must charge all guests (including regular guests) the statutory empty bed fee. We ask for your understanding as this is a significant loss of business for us.
  • It is our goal to maintain our prices. However, in the event of unforeseeable economic developments, an adjustment will unfortunately have to be made.
  • The Austrian hotel regulations apply. österr. Hotelreglements.


Holiday with the family

Our younger guests enjoy special benefits and offers at the Pension Mittagskogel in Pitztal, so that you can relax and enjoy your family holiday on the Pitztal glacier to the full!

Holiday for the best price

Holiday for the best price

Child reductions:

  • Children up to the age of  2,99 years are free of charge
  • from 3 to 5 years 20,00 Euros
  • from 6 to 10 years 50%
  • from 11 to 14 years 20%

Child reductions

Boredom is guaranteed to be a thing of the past! The little guests look forward to eventful holidays in the Pitztal in Tyrol at the Pension Mittagskogel!

Our highlights in detail:

  • Children under the age of 8 receive a bambini free pass at the mountain lifts (ID required)
  • Childcare in summer at Pitzi’s Kinderclub
  • In winter: Beginners lift approx. 50 m from the house
  • In summer: children’s playground approx. 50 m from the house
Child reductions


Mountain summer in Tyrol


Skiing, ski touring,

Cross country skiing & lots more

Discover and enjoy
A relaxed start to your holiday with our carefree holiday concept
Hotel Mittagskogel